Basic Electrical

What is Admittance – Formula Derivation and Impedance VS Admittance

What is Admittance? Formula Derivation and Impedance VS Admittance


In AC circuit theory, admittance is defined as the reciprocal of impedance, analogous to conductance being the reciprocal of resistance in DC circuits. Both impedance and admittance perspectives are useful for analyzing AC networks. Let’s explore the concept and derivation of admittance, impedance vs. admittance characteristics, usage contexts, and applications where admittance shines as an analytical tool.

What is Admittance?

Admittance (Y) represents the ease with which an electric current passes through a circuit element or network for a given sinusoidal AC voltage input at a particular frequency and is measured in Siemens (S). It is mathematically defined as the reciprocal of impedance.

What is Admittance - Formula Derivation and Impedance VS Admittance
What is Admittance – Formula Derivation and Impedance VS Admittance

Relationship to Impedance

While impedance (Z) quantifies opposition to current flow, admittance quantifies the ease of current flow for the same applied voltage. Admittance is the dual perspective to impedance in AC circuits.

Significance of Admittance

Both impedance and admittance viewpoints bring useful and complementary insights into analyzing AC circuits containing combinations of resistors, inductors, capacitors, etc.

The admittance parameter can be derived starting from impedance:

Admittance Formula Derivation

Defining Impedance

For a circuit with voltage V and current I, the impedance is given by Ohm’s law as:

Z = V / I

Applying Ohm’s Law

This can be rearranged using Ohm’s law into:

I = V / Z

Deriving Admittance Expression

Taking reciprocal on both sides results in the following:

1/Z = I / V

Which defines admittance (Y):

Y = I / V

Relating Current and Voltage

Therefore, admittance quantifies the ease of current flow I for an applied voltage V.

Let’s analyze a sample AC circuit using admittance concepts:

AC Circuit Analysis Using Admittance

Example Circuit

Consider an AC source with voltage Vs driving a series RLC load as shown:

[Circuit diagram]

Calculating Total Admittance

The total admittance is obtained by summing the individual admittances:

Ytotal = YR + YL + YC

Finding Load Current

The total current is given by:

I = Vs x Ytotal

Solving Load Voltage

The voltage across the load is:

VL = I x ZL

Where ZL is the load impedance.

Let’s examine how impedance and admittance perspectives compare:

Comparison between Impedance and Admittance

Reciprocal Relationship

Impedance Z and admittance Y are reciprocals with Y = 1/Z and Z = 1/Y

Magnitude Perspectives

Impedance considers opposition to current flow, while admittance considers ease of current flow for the same applied voltage.

Series and Parallel Combinations

Impedances add directly in series circuits, whereas admittances add directly in parallel circuits.

Preferred Usage Contexts

Impedance is more intuitive for analyzing series circuits. Admittance allows simpler handling of parallel circuits.

For series AC circuits, the total admittance is:

Admittance in Series AC Circuits

Defining Series Admittance

The total admittance (Ytotal) of elements in a series is the sum of their individual admittances:

Ytotal = Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + …

Calculating Total Admittance

For capacitors and inductors in series:

Ytotal = YC1 + YC2 + … + YL1 + YL2 + …

Relation to Individual Impedances

This equals:

1/Ztotal = 1/ZC1 + 1/ZC2 + … + 1/ZL1 + 1/ZL2 + …

For parallel AC circuits, the total admittance is:

Admittance in Parallel AC Circuits

Defining Parallel Admittance

The reciprocal of total admittance equals the sum of reciprocal individual admittances for elements in parallel:

1/Ytotal = 1/Y1 + 1/Y2 + 1/Y3 + …

Calculating Total Admittance

For capacitors and inductors in parallel:

1/Ytotal = 1/YC1 + 1/YC2 + … + 1/YL1 + 1/YL2 + …

Relation to Individual Impedances

This equals:

1/Ytotal = ZC1 + ZC2 + … + ZL1 + ZL2 + …

Using admittance provides some useful advantages:

Advantages of Using Admittance

Simpler Parallel Circuit Analysis

Admittances directly sum in parallel circuits, unlike complex impedance formulas.

More Intuitive Perspective for Loads

Admittance better captures the current flow properties of AC load components.

Insight into Conductance Properties

Admittance models the conductance and susceptance properties of AC elements and networks.

Key applications where admittance shines:

Applications Using Admittance Concepts

AC Network Analysis

The admittance perspective simplifies parallel circuit analysis and provides complementary insights.

Circuit Design Problems

Admittance helps design and optimize the conductance properties of AC circuits.

Filter Analysis

Determining filter admittance behavior helps characterize frequency responses.

Transmission Line Modeling

Admittance is used in transmission line models and calculations using distributed parameters.


Understanding admittance is essential for anyone working with electrical circuits. We’ve explored the differences between impedance and admittance, derived the admittance formula, and delved into practical applications. By mastering these concepts, you’ll be well-equipped to confidently tackle complex electrical circuits.


Admittance provides the reciprocal perspective to impedance for AC circuit analysis, quantifying the ease of current flow. While impedance considers opposition, admittance focuses on conduction properties, which aids parallel AC network analysis. Both viewpoints complement comprehensively modeling, designing, and optimizing AC systems.


  1. What is electrical admittance the reciprocal of?

Admittance is defined as the reciprocal of electrical impedance, similar to how conductance is the reciprocal of resistance.

  1. When is analyzing circuits using admittance more suitable?

Admittance provides a more straightforward approach for handling parallel branches and visualizing combined conductance properties.

  1. How do you calculate total admittance for components in parallel?

The reciprocal of total admittance equals the sum of reciprocal individual admittances of elements in parallel.

  1. What are the units of admittance?

The SI unit of admittance is the Siemens (S). It is defined as 1/Ohm.

  1. What are the advantages of using admittance?

Key advantages are simpler analysis of parallel AC circuits, a more intuitive current flow perspective, and an understanding of conductance properties.

  1. How is admittance applied in transmission line modeling?

Distribution line modeling utilizes admittance expressed per unit length, representing the parallel leakage between lines.

  1. Can admittance characterize nonlinear and time-varying networks?

Admittance analysis is only valid for linear time-invariant AC networks under sinusoidal steady-state excitation.

  1. What is susceptance in electrical networks?

Susceptance is the imaginary component of admittance representing the reactive conductance caused by capacitors and inductors.

  1. Is conductance the real component of admittance?

Yes, conductance is the real part of admittance and corresponds to the conductive path for current flow offered by resistors.

  1. How does admittance contrast with impedance characteristics?

While impedance considers opposition to AC current flow, admittance models the ease of current flow for the same applied voltage.



1. What is the main difference between impedance and admittance?

Impedance measures the resistance to current flow, while admittance measures how easily current can pass through a circuit.

2. How are conductance and susceptance related to admittance?

Conductance (G) represents the ease of current flow, while susceptance (B) indicates the ability to store and release energy in a circuit.

3. Why do we use complex numbers in admittance calculations?

Complex numbers help represent impedance and admittance in both magnitude and phase, making AC circuit analysis more manageable.

4. Can you provide an example of a practical application of admittance in electronics?

Admittance is often used in filter design to analyze and optimize circuits for specific frequency responses.

5. What is the significance of phasor diagrams in admittance analysis?

Phasor diagrams visually illustrate the phase relationships between voltages and currents in AC circuits, aiding in the admittance analysis.

6. When is it more advantageous to work with admittance instead of impedance?

Admittance is particularly advantageous when dealing with circuits involving energy storage elements like capacitors and inductors.

7. Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using admittance in circuit analysis?

Admittance analysis can become complex in circuits with multiple energy storage elements, and it may require more computational resources than impedance analysis.

8. How can I overcome challenges when working with admittance in electrical circuits?

To overcome challenges, practice solving admittance problems and seek guidance from experienced engineers or educational resources.

9. Are there any software tools available for admittance analysis?

Various simulation and circuit analysis software packages, such as SPICE, can help engineers perform admittance analysis effectively.

10. What are some advanced topics related to admittance that I can explore further?

Advanced topics include network theorems involving admittance, power factor correction, and resonance analysis in complex circuits.

Engr. Muhammad Ali Raza

Hello, I'm Engr. Ali Raza, an Electrical Engineering Professional with a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence. I completed my electrical engineering degree in 2017 and have since been actively engaged in the field, where I've had the opportunity to apply my knowledge and skills to real-world projects. Over the years, I've gained valuable experience in Engineering field, allowing me to contribute effectively to the development and implementation of electrical systems and solutions. I thrive in dynamic and challenging environments, constantly seeking opportunities to expand my expertise and make a meaningful impact in the world of Electrical Engineering.

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